Friday, April 27, 2007

Place-Jen Hedgespeth


The SonySalveo will be sold at health centers and gyms. People of this target range go to the gyms in order to improve their mood, keeps their mind sharp, reduces the chance of heart disease. Other motivations include improved sleep; improve resilience and the face of stress and raises self esteem. The target market range is also known as the baby boomers. One of the top values of this target market range is health. There are approximately 27,813 fitness and recreation centers nationwide for baby boomers to visit to stay physically fit. Although the target market range is mature enough to figure out for themselves how they may choose to lose weight with the Salveo; we don’t want users to abuse the SonySalveo in a way that contributes to unhealthy eating disorders. This is why the Salveo is strictly only sold in gyms and health centers. It needs to be guided by a professional how to properly use while attaining weight loss. This will also make users of the Salveo to believe that the product is not just a fraud. According to this type of selling it pertains to direct channel selling because a producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other.

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